T'ito Kuntur-Kanki (Rodolfo Ttito Condori)

T'ito Kuntur-Kanki (Rodolfo Ttito Condori) is a descendent of the Inka and ancestral cultures Qollas and Qanchis, near Qosqo (Cusco) Peru. During his career he has been recognized and named as Inka, connected to his grandparents and ancestors Inkas. Inka Kuntur-Kanki is a disciple and messenger of the Inka, the sacred path of Illa Teqsi Wiraqocha. As a test of his spiritual preparation, Kuntur-Kanki rose 4 times from death in the sacred mountains to attain his spiritual preparedness.
Kuntur-Kanki is author of Los Qanchis (The Seven Principles) and Musuq Tawantansyuo Despertando La Conciencia Inka (New Four Directions Gathering, Awakening of the Inka Consciousness).
Inka Kuntur-Kanki is a member of the Andean Masters community, Ayllu K’anchaq Qoyllur, which aims to raise cultural and spiritual awareness through gatherings and teaching of the Ancestral Wisdom of the Inka grandfathers.