Scott Vaughan

Scott Vaughan is the President and CEO of the International Insititute for Sustainable Development (IISD). He has been Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development; Director, Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States (OAS); Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Head of Economics, NAFTA Environment Commission; and Counsellor, World Trade Organization (WTO).

At the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Vaughan initiated the UNEP Finance Initiative and UNEP’s work on trade and environment. Early in his career, he worked at the head office of the Royal Bank Financial Group. Vaughan holds post-graduate degrees from the London School of Economics, University of Edinburgh and Dalhousie University, and an undergraduate degree from Mount Allison University.

Recent and current affiliations include member of the China Eco-Forum Global International Advisory Council;  Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Urban and Environment Studies; UNEP International Advisory Council for the Advancement of Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Leadership Council, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Future Earth Engagement Committee.

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